Monday, November 11, 2013

More Birthday Magic 10/31/13

I messed up last week when I put in the date because I did it at the end of a busy day and did not have all of my faculties in the ON position. I am a slow learner and here I am again at a late hour, but trying to be more alert than last week.  Also, in my defense, I could not believe it when I saw trick or treaters out in full force on Saturday evening.  Know why?  It wasn’t Halloween yet! We still had almost a whole week to be ready to celebrate. No wonder we old folks have trouble keeping up with the funny ideas of the people running things these days!

Part of the frustration was caused by the fact that I was so busy celebrating my birthday I did not notice much else. Sunday evening a daughter and her husband took me out for supper, and on Monday a son treated me to lunch downtown. Because of tentative plans on Thursday, my actual birthday, which another daughter could not attend she called on Monday evening and wondered if I wanted to go to Ft. Wayne with her on Tuesday. I had an appointment that was written in ink, but not carved in stone, so I managed to get that cancelled.  Have you ever dined at Baker Street in Ft. Wayne? It is a real experience. We had a routine order of a sandwich and fries, but it was served with such elegance it made you think you were at a banquet. Add that to a full day, one on one with a grown up, married  descendant and you have about all of the magic that one little old lady can handle. See if you can manage it on your next birthday!

One daughter did not want me to be alone on the actual day, so we decided to crash a regular Thursday evening dinner arrangement with another daughter who is a caretaker for my sister-in-law. That would allow them to help me with my final social event with just the four of us.  Wouldn’t you know that thirty people showed up and we moved to the party room of our local restaurant! Aren’t families wonderful? If God grants me another birthday, He has already been generous, I do not think it can beat this one.

Also on the plus side this week, my niece took my sister and me to visit a cousin who is a resident in a nursing facility and we have not seen her for over a year, on Sunday afternoon.  Her two daughters happened to be there and we had a delightful visit.  We thought we were doing it for her, but I think we were on the receiving end as much as we were ministering to her.
As I look at the clock on the wall, I had better get to food, so I can get to bed as I have a full day planned for tomorrow. One thing is to handle the situation that I had to reschedule last week. Oh well, Life is good.

How venturesome are you when it comes to preparing, and maybe eating new suggestions?  The first recipe I am giving you is way out as far as I am concerned and I have never heard of the combination of three very common everyday foods.  I found it in a fifteen year old cookbook with favorite recipes from “families and friends” of a popular tourist attraction. If you try it, I am not going to, let me know how you could treat round steak in this manner. Some participants from Ft. Wayne to California included their name and address. This one did not, maybe that is scary.
2 pounds round steak, ½ inch thick
6 strips bacon
½ cup water
1 cup apple butter
Pound salt and pepper into steak. Cut into 6 pieces. Spread with apple butter. Roll up and wind bacon around each roll and fasten with a tooth pick. Sear in pan 5 minutes. Add water and cover. Bake one hour at 350 degrees.

The next recipe is more to my liking and I will probably make it. It does have a signature which is encouraging.
1 can (20 oz.) pineapple, drained
1 can (16 oz.) peach slices, drained
1 can (11 oz.) mandarin oranges, drained
2 medium firm bananas, sliced
1 medium apple, chopped
1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) instant vanilla pudding mix
1 ½  cup milk
¾ cup sour cream
1/3 cup frozen orange juice concentrate
Combine drained fruits, set aside. In a small bowl beat pudding mix, milk and orange juice concentrate for 2 minutes. Add sour cream, mix well.  Spoon over fruit. Toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours.

May your week be filled with magic moments from unexpected sources.

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