Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cut-out Cookies and Copper Bottom Pans 9/25/14

Here I am, only 2 hours earlier than last week.  Guess I am a slow learner. I am in the midst of a major project that demands my full attention. So even if it is Sunday, I found myself creating a big mess in my house that is necessary to combat a bigger problem.  It is too late to go into it in detail but I promise to fill you in on how well I accomplish my goal.

Friday was a very special day. One of my daughter's friend’s daughter is getting married in a week or so. She wanted homemade, frosted, cut-out sugar cookies for her reception.  Now how do you suppose anyone would have thought of me to help with that project?  The bride was not able to get excused from her job to help. Her mother brought the batter already mixed. The three of us rolled out, cut, baked and frosted over 12 dozen of the little critters.  No that is not right - they were mostly fall leaves, a few acorns and the rest just cookies. I pleaded old age and mostly just sat at the kitchen table and frosted, but I was mighty proud of the finished product. Hope the bride-to-be was, too.  Could you believe we ordered in lunch? They shoved a few things back on the dining room table to make room for us to eat, but there was no cooking room.

I am looking for a good excuse, but I am saying that I was so pleased that they thought I could be of some help that I forgot my hair dresser had changed my appointment from Saturday morning to Friday! When she realized that I was late after 24 years of being a tad early, she called and I thought one of those words that my mother would not let me say. She will probably tell you that I at least whispered it. It was so near the time my guests would be arriving and I still had to “slop mop”  the kitchen because there were several place that I feared they might fall off.  So I am struggling for a whole week on my own.  Zandra made me promise I would wear a sign that read, “Zandra did not do this”!  I cried a bit and my niece helped me a little with her curling iron, but I can sure spoil a hairdo by sleeping.

So let’s go to food where I have a bit more talent. Since the clock is zooming past my bedtime and several of you have mentioned that you like the few ingredient and few instructions recipes.  So I went to that department for help.  I found two that are as simple as can be, but I have never tried them, so you are on our own.
1 package beef hot dogs, cut in ½ inch pieces
3 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
2 tablespoons flour
½ cup water
Brown hot dogs in ungreased skillet. (I might use a tad of butter). Add sliced potatoes. Mix flour and water until smooth. Pour over hot dog and potato mixture. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover and simmer until potatoes are done. ( I am so addicted to Velveeta cheese, I would probably cautiously add a bit after it is cooked.)
2 to 3 pounds chicken pieces, skin removed
1 cup butter, melted
2 cups potato chips, crushed
¼ teaspoon garlic salt
Mix crushed chips with garlic salt. (Flavored chips, such as sour cream and onion can be used.) Dip chicken in melted butter and roll in potato chips. Place on baking sheet. Pour remaining butter and chips over the chicken. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.

Don’t forget about using Bar Keeper’s Friend for cleaning copper bottom pans and coffee and tea stains from Corelle cups. I also use it for plain stainless steel pans and the bottoms of Club Aluminum pans. It works best if you do this at each washing.  But sometimes lack of energy and time prohibits this and it takes a little more effort when you do. Just dip the pan in your dish water and sprinkle cleanser on the pan. Then rub it with your finger tips. As long as the paste turns black, you are getting dirt off.  I may have crossed the line, but today I was doing dishes and I was not happy with a couple of plated silver soup spoons that I bought years ago at a garage sale. I decided to use them for every day.  I was surprised how nice it cleaned them.  It might shock the silver ware company that I was spoiling the value of the spoons but I only paid a dollar for 4 spoons and I do not plan on selling them.

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