Thursday, October 6, 2011


OOPS! After having a several hour break in my sleep time in the wee hours of this morning, I fear I will have to combine breakfast and lunch. Also, I will have to type fast or miss my deadline. All of this happened after I had plans to tell you how good I felt about myself, after losing for two weeks a special copy of a “reader donated” recipe. Just goes to confirm my mother’s favorite phrase, “Pride goeth before a fall!”

I really did not lose the recipe, I merely put it in such a safe place that I could not locate it myself! When I went to pay a quite large bill, there nestled comfortably among my “things to pay” papers was this recipe card. Now doesn’t everyone avoid as much as possible this area of their household? I was grateful to see the card, stretching my imagination for a way to admit that I put it there myself, but also grateful that I did not have to admit to my faithful reader that I lost it. I surely hope that you did not tell her! I have it safely in front of me and I do not intend to move until it is time to copy it.

I experienced a very heartwarming evening last week. We had to find a way to get my niece to Toledo early Wednesday morning to catch a Mega Bus back to Harrisburg. My sister said she would not drive to Toledo and I played “change a letter” and stated that I could not make the drive. So we enlisted a nephew to drive the three of us to Wauseon to my son’s home. We went out to eat at a restaurant that is new since the fire in downtown Wauseon, then Marty stayed all night with them and had only a short drive to catch her bus. The time we spent around the table was memorable. Both the renewing of past experiences of the times that the three cousins were growing up as relatives, schoolmates, neighbors and most of all, friends, and the added experiences of these youngsters (in my mind) of their retirement were startling to a little old lady who keeps forgetting what her own age is.

Now before someone moves that recipe card, I better get to the point at hand. First of all I did try the peanut butter coating on popcorn. It was a good idea but the next time, I am going to add more peanut butter. Guess I should not complain about the original idea, because I ate the whole bagful by myself.

(from the kitchen of Sherrie Allomong)
3 pounds ground beef
½ cup sugar
2 eggs
½ cup rolled oats
2 teaspoons oregano
2 teaspoons margerna marjoram
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
1 large onion, diced
1 can tomato soup
1 can water
½ cup onion
1 cup relish
1 cup ketchup
1 teaspoon salt and pepper
½ cup sugar
Combine ingredients for meatballs and shape into balls the size of your preference.
Combine sauce ingredients and cook. Add meatballs to sauce. Place in crock pot
until ready to serve, 2 to 3 hours.

As I turned on my computer this morning, there was an interesting, and perhaps valuable suggestion. It recommended using egg whites for first aid for burns. Use the traditional method of cold water first then applying the egg white. One incident used the egg white in its natural state, the other beat the egg whites and then applied the foam to the burn. Dramatic results were reported giving the credit to the natural collagen in the egg whites. A more serious burn was treated every hour until the pain stopped.

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