Wednesday, March 28, 2012


One of my favorite memories of my mother’s parenting was the adage “Pride goeth before a fall.”  Whenever we thought we had things all lined up to perfection, she would always point out the danger of being over confident . This came back to me this week when one of my daughters asked my sister and me to do another skit like we have done numerous times in the past.  It really sharpened our ego and we agreed to do one for a ladies retreat in Wauseon.  We started out fairly confident but by the time the real production was due last Saturday we were ready to go on a two week’s vacation in the other direction. The dialogue was all written, retyped and edited.  Costumes were all ready and the day was at hand. Both of us expressed our concern about the fact that we were a number of years older, we did not know our audience and what would make us think that we could still do this.  The only bright spot in my mind was the fact that I knew only a very few of the people and hopefully they would soon forget if we were less than they expected.  The best thing I can say is that I have also been told that most of the things that you worry about never happen. So that must have worked here because our audience of about 30 ladies were very appreciative of our efforts which boosted our morale considerably. Requests to our guardian angels were answered and we came home with our heads held high. Another magic day when younger people still think that us “old ducks” still can contribute to society!

Last Friday was the birthday of  my youngest sister who is a resident of the nursing home in Butler. Another sister and I visited her and she was enjoying the day as the nurses were giving her special attention, she had received several floral arrangements, her family had supplied cupcakes for her to treat the staff and all guests who stopped in to wish her a great day!  It was so nice to see her enjoying the celebration. We both will admit that we consumed a cupcake, that is if you do not tell our doctor.   We shook them real good and I am sure most of the sugar fell out.

The book I used for recipes last week was still not back in place and as I am more than a little lazy this evening, I decided to see if I could find something else of interest without much effort. I was amazed at the simplicity and the combination of the first recipe. The note suggested that it was a colorful spring favorite, especially served with the “potato stuffed franks” that I gave you on January 26, 2012. In case you did not save it,  just split franks and generously cover them with prepared mashed potatoes, with a bit of onion if you prefer. Sprinkle grated cheddar cheese on top and bake in oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

              SAUERKRAUT and TOMATOES
1 can (1 #, 11 oz. )sauerkraut
Salt to taste
½ teaspoon caraway seeds
2 tablespoons sugar
1 can (1 lb. ) stewed tomatoes
1 bay leaf
Combine ingredients in a saucepan. Heat thoroughly, about 15 minutes. 

The next recipe is a bit unusual, both its name and ingredients.  Even though my sister says I have a very large vocabulary, this word in the title is not in my big dictionary, I do not know what it means and I do not remember ever seeing it before, especially related to food.   It suggests that you will be pleased with the compliments you will get when you serve it  on a buffet.  I would be happy if my family ate it and didn’t complain!

                    MIXED VEGETABLE MORNAY
2 pkgs. (10 oz.) frozen mixed vegetables
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 ½ cups milk
Salt and pepper to taste
½ cup shredded Cheddar cheese
½ cup Parmesan cheese
2 slices bread, torn into tiny pieces
2 tablespoons melted butter
Cook vegetables as directed on package until barely tender. Melt 3 tablespoons butter, blend in flour. (Do not brown.) Add milk and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Add seasonings and cheese, stirring until cheese melts. Place drained vegetables in 1 ½ quart shallow baking dish. Cover with cheese sauce. Toss bread pieces in remaining butter and scatter on top.  Bake in hot oven about 10 minutes or until  browned.

A handy hint that I use often is using a coffee filter to cover small bowls when heating in the microwave.  Another suggestion was to slide the wooden stick through a filter before handing frozen treats to small children to prevent dribbles.  Wouldn’t hurt if you were giving one to an elderly lady either!!

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