Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I do not know how to put into words the special activities of the past weekend. On Saturday, we put into action some plans that we have been working on for months. Well to be realistic, I just followed along with my family putting all of the effort and planning into a fabulous day. For a number of years my family has had what we call “Sib Night” with each one taking turns and planning an event for all siblings and their spouses. This year it turned out to be “sib day”.  All nine of my kids and five spouses furnished and served the entrĂ©e and dessert for a meal at the Cherry Street Mission in Toledo for at least 135 people.  Three things made it extra special.  First of all it happened during the Lenten season. Secondly, all of my kids and most (over half) of their spouses participated.   Last but very important, a son “borrowed” a 17 passenger bus from his neighbor who uses it for family excursions, so we could all be in the same vehicle. He picked up most of us at our homes with one from Decatur and one from Wauseon driving to meet us at Fayette.

It was an incredible day.  The fact that we were doing something for someone else less fortunate, along with the togetherness we shared as a family, made it an exceptional experience. We all thank Dave for  his accepting the responsibility of driving the bus, which made it impossible for him to join in the friendly interaction  of just riding along.

Visiting the Mission was a humbling experience, seeing so many individuals who, many from no fault of their own, were in such circumstances. Also it made us appreciate our own status.
We furnished a combination of several meats and several types of beans (We call them Jim’s Beans and have them at most family gatherings.) served over a bed of rice, and seven sheet cakes, which were quite appreciated and a cold drink.  The mission furnished a tossed salad to complete the meal.  We were given a tour of the facility which was a great example of doing good with what you have. Plans from the generosity of several businesses are in place to update some of the facility.

The man who was managing while we were there told me that I was boss, (He could tell from my white hair that I was the oldest) and could tell everyone what to do!  I relinquished this offer and took every one up on their choice of duties of filling trays or serving them. A chuckle for the day was his inquiry if one of my sons-in-law were grandpa.  Since there were more than one, I will not disclose his name, but for the rest of the day he was known as “Grandpa”.  

When someone asked if they had lots of offers to do this he answered quickly  “Oh, no, you folks are a blessing”, making it an easier day for them as they serve three meals a day, seven days a week to those who need it.  I get so many requests for help that it is impossible to respond to them all, but this weekend will make me keep the Cherry Street Mission on my list.  There was a disappointment in the afternoon as a session was planned for Laser Tag. Arrangements were made previously, but they were behind schedule and it was impossible for us to wait.  They were excusing me from participating, but I had decided that I  was going to prove to them that I couldn’t keep up instead of admitting it without trying.  Perhaps my Guardian Angel was looking out for me ??  The day ended at a restaurant serving burgers and sides, compliments of our hosts, Nete and Jerry. We are ever thankful for them for a great day.

In case you missed the presentation of “Mary’s Way of the Cross” presented Sunday afternoon at St. Mary’s Church by the Christian Formation Committee, you shouldn’t have. They very successfully presented what it must have been like for a mother to watch her son’s crucifixion, along with the commentary pointing out our own shortcomings in our daily lives. The singing and characters were all portrayed by St. Mary’s parishioners, and was a very powerful and emotional presentation for the Lenten season giving a much more vivid and memorable picture than reading about it.

In case you are not giving up sweets for Lent, I have a different kind of cookies for you to try. Maybe you could make them and then give them away to make the penance even greater!
½ cup shortening
½ cup sugar
½ cup honey
1 egg, well beaten
2/3 cup flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup quick cooking oatmeal
1 cup flaked coconut
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup chopped pecans
Cream shortening, sugar and honey until light
 and fluffy. Add egg and blend. Combine flour
 with soda, baking powder and salt. Add to the
creamed mixture. Add oats, coconut, vanilla and
nuts. Spread in greased 10 by 15 inch pan. Bake at
350 degrees oven for 20 to 25 minutes. When cool
cut into bars.

The recipes for today come from a 25 year old book, so the amount of yams may have to be decided from the size of the baking dish.  What was large them may not be “large” now.
2 large cans yams
¼ cup raisins
¼ cup frozen orange concentrate
1 cup flour
¾ cup sugar
Dash of salt
1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
3/4 cup butter
2 cups miniature marshmallows
Place yams and raisins in a buttered 10 x 6 inch baking
dish. Pour the orange juice over the yams and raisins. Combine
flour, sugar, salt, and cinnamon. Cut in the butter until the
mixture is coarse. Sprinkle over the yams. Bake at 350 for 30
minutes. Sprinkle with marshmallows and broil 4 to 5 inches from
 the broiler until marshmallows are golden brown.

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