Monday, July 9, 2012


Why is it so difficult for it to rain more than three drops?  Should be grateful for the little shower we had on Sunday. At least I didn’t have to try to help my moisture starved plants and flowers. They are a much smaller problem than the fields of crops that are suffering equally and are the lively hood of so many families.  God in his own time will provide.

My guardian angel was by my side last week when my grandson’s wife ( I did not want to be criticized for calling her my granddaughter, but that is what she is to me.  In my family circle, I do not like the words “step” and “in-law” because they are all mine!)  asked me if she could use my garage for a garage sale.  If any of you have gone by when my garage door was up, you will understand the hesitancy as I agreed. But it was a fantastic decision in several categories.  First of all, I got rid of a lot of accumulations, some of them I even sold. Now there is so much room in there, I don’t have stuff to guide my entry  when I park my car. I also like to visit with the people who come to see what we no longer have any use for.  Probably the major blessing was that although I was not responsible for the sale, I did not cover the town like I might have and therefore did not bring home a carload of “stuff” that I did not need.

Saturday morning as I was leaving to keep my 8:00 a.m. appointment I could not find my main set of car keys.  (that in itself is not unusual) So I just took my spare ones and went on my way. As I opened my purse to pay for my new hairdo, there was my set of keys in my purse!  So I made a mental token of thanksgiving to God for looking after me and went on my way.  On Elm street there was a young lad waving a sign almost bigger than he was encouraging people to stop at his mother’s garage sale.  Now what grandmother cold pass up a plea like that?  Since my needs are small, I shopped diligently and decided on a stuffed rabbit for my daughter who teaches school and uses stuffed animals for holiday tokens, birthday gifts and merit prizes for her third grade students.  At my next stop, I noticed that one set of my keys was gone again!  I reconstructed my actions  of the last twenty minutes, circled the block and went back to my original purchase and there among the items for sale was my set of keys! Can I declare mental stability since I could retrace my actions and recover my lost possessions?

We all had a rough emotional day on Saturday as we got word that my sister was critically ill in the emergency room of the hospital. But once again all of the prayers on her behalf were granted and as of now is on the improving list. We accuse her of sitting up nights thinking of new things to go wrong in her physical make up.  Guess we can’t complain though because God had brought her through them all leaving her with a very positive attitude of life and a good sense of humor!  Hang in there, Kork.

Oh, yes, another blessing of agreeing to lease my garage was that I sold a number of my cook books that I decided to part with by taking them to the Free Store!  Still have an ample amount although a customer expressed her desire to come to my house and look more carefully at the ones that are Left.  I was looking at one this morning that I could not decided if I still wanted to keep and I noticed a couple of things that I thought you might be interested in.

I am very fond of strawberries with glaze, banana and whipped topping.  Often I cannot find sugar free glaze.  I found this recipe for making your own glaze so I am keeping it to make my own with Splenda when I get a strawberry withdrawal symptom.  Remember to hull the berries with your drinking straw.  One of my favorites is coconut cream pie, so I am including a recipe that makes enough for two pies.
¾  cup sugar, or sugar substitute
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoon s white Karo syrup
1 cup water
2 tablespoons strawberry Jello
Red food coloring
Boil water, cornstarch, sugar and syrup until clear. Add  food coloring and Jello. Cool.
5 eggs, separated
¾ teaspoon salt
5 cups milk
1 ¼ cups sugar
1 ½ cups coconut
2 tablespoons vanilla
1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons corn starch
Heat 4 cups milk over low heat but do not boil. Combine sugar and cornstarch. Add remaining cup of milk gradually. Beat egg yolks and stir into milk mixture. Pour mixture slowly into heated milk mixture. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly until thick. Add vanilla and coconut. Divide and put in 2 baked pie shells. Whip egg whites. Add 2 tablespoons sugar until stiff. Spread over top and bake in moderate oven until light brown.

Thanks for any prayers that you offered for my daughter’s husband who was burned and is recovering nicely. Also for the group on a mission trip to Pennsylvania who reported a great experience and the people whom they were working for were so appreciative.

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