Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I thought last year went fast. Here we are again half through a new month.  Surely hope we get that rain the weather man is promising.  Each day I think my plants in my very small garden are shrinking instead of growing.  They do not respond well to my cold water from the garden hose!

In case you have a short prayer list this week, please consider including a couple of issues from my list.  Four of my kids are acting as chaperones for a mission trip to Pennsylvania.  Two grandkids, one great granddaughter, at least 4 of my sister’s grandkids along with a number  of Edgerton kids help make up a group of 37 who will be sleeping in a convent and spending their days doing maintenance work on homes for people who cannot physically or financially manage the repairs. Prayers are needed for a safe and successful week. Along with the physical activities, there is time for deepening their spiritual needs and personalities. 

The annual Catholic Heart Work Camp is a favorite activity of many in our community.  I baked 10 dozen cookies to help diminish the food expense list.  I got in trouble trying to be efficient. I was so proud of myself when I had them all done and in the freezer several days ahead of schedule.  Wouldn’t you know I had company for supper on Thursday and used a container of two dozen.  So the last day in the afternoon found me quickly doing a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies that are quite simple to make.  I was rewarded for my generosity because the extra one I had to make were the best of the bunch in my estimation. They all made a supper break on Saturday evening at my niece’s home in Elizabethtown where they all enjoyed a pizza meal.

The other request is for a quick healing of a son-in-law who was quite extensively burned on both arms from a malfunctioning hog roaster. We are grateful  because it could have been much worse, but he does have a long painful recovery to endure.

Two of you readers supplied magic moments for me this past week.  I was visiting the nursing home last Friday afternoon. When I came home I had a message on my answering machine to call a certain lady whom I know fairly well but do not have much contact with. When I returned her call she wanted to tell me that she had passed on my suggestion for cleaning strawberries with a drinking straw to her daughter who has arthritis in her hands and was having a difficult time cleaning her strawberries. Also, important to me, was her enjoyment of each week’s article. Then later in the local grocery store, I greeted an acquaintance whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.  She made some pleasant comments and encouraged me to keep on doing this column. So here is at least one more!

As I was examining one of my cookbooks deciding if it should go in the “keep” pile or send it on its way,  I was captivated by a couple of recipes that sounded like good eating , had only a few ingredients and would be easy to make. So I guess that book will be a keeper for a while longer.
1 ¾  cups frozen mixed vegetables
1 can (10 ¾ oz.) condensed chicken soup
1 cup cubed cooked chicken
1 egg, beaten
1 cup biscuit mix
½ cup milk
Combine vegetables, soup and chicken. Transfer
to an ungreased 9 inch pie plate. Combine egg,
milk and  biscuit mix. Mix just until moistened.
Spread over chicken mixture. Bake at 375 for 30
to 35 minutes, or until golden brown.
½ cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
¾ cup milk
1 large can sliced peaches and juice
Melt butter in bottom of 2 quart baking dish.  Mix
together sugar, flour, baking powder and milk. Pour
1 large can of sliced peaches and juice on top of the
batter.  Bake at 350 for 1 hour. (Can use fresh peaches,
3 cups slightly sweetened.)

I just notice a hint for keeping strawberries fresh. Refrigerate them (unwashed) in an airtight container between  layers of paper towels. Should keep up to ten days if stored this way.

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