Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Magic Christmas 12/25/14

Christmas Days seem to be getting closer and closer together! Think my advanced age might have something to do with the problem? The weeks seem to run together. And with that, making the demands on my fragile mentality to come up with something to write about. After giving it some serious thought, I decided to keep the season in mind and just wish each and every one of you the merriest of merry Christmases and a fantastic new year of all good things.
Let’s keep the recipe department in the Christmas realm. I have the following recipe for a happy family framed and on my dining room wall. Hope you can try it.
Combine a family of loving hearts, melt together.
Add a lot of love; mix well with respect and trust.
Add gentleness, laughter, faith, hope and joy.
Pour in much understanding. (Don’t forget patience.)
Sprinkle with kisses and a dash of hugs. Bake for a  lifetime.

As parents, we sometimes wonder if our kids are even listening when we try to give them advice and training of Life issues.  It is rewarding to hear them reiterate something that you told them as teenagers that you do not remember that clearly. Here is one that came back to me with some recollection.

Keep God and His teachings the center of your home and your spouse a close second.
Then come the kids and that puts YOU last,
If your spouse puts you in your rightful place that moves you way up on the list!

Again a very merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years  to each of you.  See you in 2015.

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